Do you think millennials are willing to buy?


Millennials more willing to buy those fixer-uppers

  • Millennial first-time homeowners are showing more willingness than previous generations to complete do-it-yourself projects around the house or wait until they can afford to make the improvements they desire, a new survey by Better Homes & Gardens magazine finds.
  • “They are strong believers in being able to afford their dreams as they achieve them and not over-stretch themselves.” Eighty-five percent of first-time millennialhomeowners say they view homeownership as a sound investment.
  • “These first-time millennial homeowners are focused on building equity, not debt,” says Jill Waage, editorial director of Digital Content and Products at Better Homes & Gardens.
  • Only 50 percent of first-time millennial homeowners say they are willing to spend top dollar to get exactly the features and quality they want in a home, the surveyshowed.

Source: Florida Realtors

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