Do you think if condos ban smoking, it include marijuana?

If condos ban smoking, does it include marijuana?
- Question: What is the potential liability to a condo association when it comes to the various taxes that come due from the income members derive from leasing their respective condos? In other words, if the associationis a bit lax in its lease approval process, could it be liable for the collection of such taxes in the event of a member not following through with respective tax collection and forwarding it to the respective tax agency? – J.C., Delray Beach Answer: The obligation to pay the income tax and hotel bed tax and any other taxes derived from an owner leasing their unit is the owner’s.
- So for these reasons, at this early stage of analysis, I do not think an association would be requiredto grant an exception to a no smoking rule to allow the use of medical marijuana.
- In a condominium and cooperative, the vote to waive can be done up to three years in a row, but in year four the association must prepare the report required based on the amount of revenue.
- In this case, the person would seek an exception to the no smoking rule so they could smoke legal medical marijuana.